Something For the Whole Family
Join us at our Woodstock, NB campground for a season packed with exciting themed weekends!
From festive holidays to seasonal celebrations and unique events, there’s always something fun on the horizon. Check out what’s in store for an adventure-filled camping experience!
MAY 30 – JUNE 1
Bow-WOW! Calling all 4-legged “pets” to bring their “owners” along to Jellystone Park ™ this weekend for plenty of Frisky n’ Furry “P-AW”-some adventures. Let’s get this summer started with a BANG! It’s finally time for Yogi Bear™, Cindy Bear™ and Boo Boo™ to shake their bear-y tails and come out of hibernation with the help of lots of campers and their furry pals, along with their homemade noisemakers, to the Pots and Pans Pet Parade! There’s also your chance to take part in the “Pampered People Pet Show” where you can disguise yourself as a dog and do tricks, or fluff up your fur and m-e-o-w like a cantankerous o-l-d cat …. OR maybe do a famous animal impersonation! Prizes awarded for best Trick or Talent. Hippity! Hoppity! Spring is in the air so let’s hop on down the bunny trail for some sp-EGG-tacular Easter celebrations with our paws-atively adorable 4-legged rabbit friend, and be sure to d-r-e-s-s your b-e-s-t for the Special Family/Pooch Photo Opportunity. Book NOW and make plans to come celebrate your favorite four-legged family member with us. And, please don’t “fur” -get” to bring your sense of adventure!!!
JUNE 6 – 8
Attention r-a-c-i-n-g enthusiasts! If you’re the competitive type, get r-e-v-v-e-d up because Yogi Bear™ and the Rangers will satisfy your need for speed with summer sizzling race games all weekend long that will leave you breathless! ON YOUR MARK…GET SET…GO!!! There will be all types of FUN, fast paced relay races, water races, bouncy horse racing, obstacle courses and plenty m-o-r-e types of races for our Mega Marathon Races Galore weekend at Jellystone Park ™ Raceway! Watch for the checkered flag and shift into high gear racing your opponent at the Wacky Waterslides Races. It’s every camper for himself at this FUN-tastic super speedy race weekend so “give it all you’ve got”, BUT most of all…. We know you will have a barrel of fun!
JUNE 13 – 15
You can pick your friends, but you’re S-T-U-C-K with your F-A-M-I-L-Y, so bring ‘em all to Jellystone Park ™ this weekend and celebrate YOUR “gang” at the Fabulous Family Fun Festival!!! Parents, kids, grandparents, In-laws and m-o-r-e are invited to participate in a weekend of silly, super-fun games and activities, starting with a competitive game of Family Candy Bar Bingo. Dive deep into your decades-old tickle trunks and come prepared to compete in the Silliest Dressed Family Fashion Show. Let the mayhem begin!! Family gatherings are always extra fun when a special someone is celebrating a birthday. Help the Rangers create a bear-y special birthday card for three bear-y special BEARS, which will be presented at the Family Birthday Bash Party where the celebrations include a humungous Birthday Cake and a scrumptious Ice Cream Social with a wonderful assortment of candy-coated toppings!! Yogi Bear™, Cindy Bear™ and Boo Boo™ are joining the Rangers to ensure that every second of this weekend will create lasting memories that your family with treasure forever. Don’t delay …Book today! ….and make sure you take lots of pictures!!
JUNE 20 – 22
Who doesn’t L-O-V-E CANDY??? Gumdrops! Lollipops and candy galore! Has Jellystone Park ™ got a s-w-e-e-t celebration in store!! Join Yogi Bear™ and the Rangers at candy-land central, filled with lots of tutti-frutti, candy coated activities this weekend that will make you pucker up for s-m-o-r-e! Don’t s-n-i-c-k-e-r! When it comes down to c-r-u-n-c-h time, Yogi Bear™ wants you beside him when there are mounds of goofiness and tasty treats hurling through the air at the Humungous Candy Ball Throw! See if you can s-k-o-r ~B-I-G~ at Double Candy BAR-licious Trivia Bingo where pay day could give you a sugar rush like n-o-o-o other! Don’t make a “whopper” of a mistake and miss out on a smorgasbord of yummy-licious, lip-smackin’ experiences that will make your mouth water with excitement! Be a smarty pants and reserve NOW for the most candy-licious celebration of the summer. Looks like YOUR s-w-e-e-t dreams are about to come true!!!
JUNE 27 – 29
Calling all ye pirates and BE-YOU-tiful princesses! Are ye yearnin’ fer an adventure on the high Party Pirate Seas with Captain Yogi Bear™ and Princess Cindy Bear™? Come dressed as scallywags or in your finest royal attire and join Yogi Bear™, Princess Cindy Bear™ and first mate, Boo Boo™ for a treasure trove of swashbuckling fun this weekend. Yo-Ho-Lets-Go!!! Ahoy me hearties! Try ye luck at Buccaneer Bingo which is always a barrel of sea urchin fun … with plenty of loot to boot! Don ye Princess Party Dresses and ~glass slippers~ and bring along ye most cherished stuffed animal and join Princess Cindy Bear™ who will be hosting the Royal Teddy Bear Tea Party. AVAST! Ship building is an important part of being a sea rover so we’ll supply the materials, and the pillaging pirate who builds the best sea worthy vessel will win plenty of loot …. Arrrr! Don’t be a lily-livered landlubber! Join the seadogs, climb aboard, and hoist the anchor! Swab the poop deck me maties, and tackle the high tides to Jellystone Park™ for an Arrrr-some weekend ye’ll never forget! Don’t miss the boat – BOOK NOW!
JULY 4 – 6
LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!! We’ll start this star-studded Musical Extravaganza off with some goofy, bouncy, bee boppin’ music paying homage to the fabulous 50’s and sensational 60’s. Then, we’ll slide into the 70’s with some classic rock, funk, disco and groovy tunes to shake’r up! Ah, the 80’s and 90’s! We’ve got some pop and easy listening music and we’ll continue into the Y2K nostalgia of the 2000’s. Who’s your favorite singer or your favorite song? Be prepared to impress and WOW the Jellystone Park™ Judges at the Celebrity Singer Look-A-Like Contest where you could find yourself “The STAR of the Show” (prizes for all participants). Enter the Best Dressed Contest for any decade of dance style at the Rockin’ and Groovin’ Dance Party or be discovered as the next singing sensation at our Karaoke Dance Party. It’s a happenin’ place at Jellystone Park™, so record this date on your calendar, and book now, because Yogi Bear™ and the Rangers have the bear-y best in musical entertainment planned for YOU and your family all weekend long!
JULY 11 – 13
Can Y-O-U travel faster than a supersonic bullet, spring to the top of a tall building in a single jump? Do you wear a flowing cape and can YOU save the world from the dark forces of evil villains? Imaginations of all kinds are invited to Jellystone Park™ this weekend for a Super-Duper Hero and Villain Showdown with a thrilling experience of crime fighting adventures. See if Y-O-U-R superhuman hero powers, clad in cape and tights, emerges victorious battling the forces of evil villains who are wreaking havoc all over the park, at the Heroes versus Villain Super Duper Obstacle Course. Dress as your favorite S-U-P-E-R-powered hero OR in your D-A-R-K Villain costumes for a chance to WIN prizes for Most Original and Most “LIKE” Their Character Contest. So, for all you wanna be “Heroes of the Universe” and Super Evil-doers from the dark side, pack up your imaginations, and all the secret powers and talents you possess, and join the Rangers along with Yogi Bear™ at Jellystone Park™ this weekend for the SUPER showdown of Heroes versus Villains!
JULY 18 – 20
Yogi Bear™ has made his list and he’s checking it twice in preparation for a TREE-mendously twinklin’ tinsel festive weekend. Bundle up for the c-h-i-l-l-y winter air and join the jolliest bunch of elves this side of the North Pole for plenty of magical and festive activities and games. Be sure to bring along your tinsel trimmed stockings to the Jingle, Jangle Christmas B-I-N-G-O Bonanza where you could be lucky enough to stuff those stockings full of some holiday c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e cheer! Add lots of shimmer and sparkle, lighting up the night so “Merry and Bright” for the ever- popular Site Decorating Contest (6 categories of judging) where you could WIN FREE CAMPING (W/E Site) and be sure to join the Rangers where you can create your bear-y own Christmas Color Time ($) work of art. So, Giddy-up, giddy-up, giddy-up let’s go to Jellystone Park this weekend for plenty of fun in the snow!
JULY 25 – 27
What a dream!!! Y-O-U have an invitation to an exciting Hollywood weekend full of glitz and glam! Lights! Camera! Parrrty! YOGI BEAR™, our biggest STAR, is rolling out the Red Carpet and anxiously awaiting the arrival of talented campers from everywhere in their fancy, schmancy caravan of trailers. This is your chance for “Stardom and Fame!” The spotlight will be on Y-O-U all weekend long while the talent scouts search for the next biggest STAR to participate in the Golden Bear Paw Variety Show (special prize for all participants). Perform your magic, sing, dance, act, or whatever you choose, to show off your polished skills, and be prepared to impress and WOW the Jellystone Park™ Judges!! How well do you know the STARS? Brush up on your entertainment and celebrity knowledge because your family may be nominated to participate in the Family Hollywood Trivia Game. Follow the spot lights on the prestigious Yogi-wood Walk of Fame for a Paparazzi Photoshoot and keep the cameras rolling for Blockbuster Bingo! There’s no business, like show business, so ~s-m-i-l-e~ for the cameras, and most of all, book early for this Star Struck weekend. QUIET ON THE SET!!! TAKE ONE!
AUGUST 1 – 4
Be ~COOL~ and camp at Jellystone Park™ this weekend for a Colossal Carnival Event filled with spectacular classic carnival games and wacky activities. Hurry! Hurry! Come one…come ALL! … to Carnival Clown Bingo Bonanza and the chance to see a “smarter than an av-er-age bear” with your own eyes! Enjoy the Mystical Magic Show, cotton candy and yummy popcorn treats and save up your change and break open those piggy banks as you try your luck at various carnival games (all money raised will go to the IWK Children’s Hospital Foundation). Don’t be caught clowning around and forget to RSVP Ringmaster Yogi Bear™. He has your VIP ticket for a front row seat in the big top, so BOOK NOW for lots of great Fun and carnival activities planned just for YOU! This is a holiday weekend and a 3 nights reservation is required for both cabins and campsites. See YOU soon!!
AUGUST 8 – 10
Are you in need of a serious COOL-d-o-w-n? If your answer is YES, get ready to get v-e-r-y WET!!… and prepare yourself for an incredibly SOAK-filled Splish Splashin’ Silly Soaker Weekend at Jellystone Park™. Pack your hi-tech, Mega Monster water blasters and the b-i-g-g-e-s-t super soakers YOU can find and prepare to get drenched ambushing those B-R-A-V-E unsuspecting Rangers at the Wicked Waterlogged Wagon Ride. There will be lots of splish splashin’ silly soaker games and activities perfect for cooling off on a sizzling hot summer day. So, for all you water maniacs, “young and old”, the Rangers guarantee you’ll be soaked from the top of your heads, all the way down to your tippy toes, so pack you weapon of choice, your swim suits and towels and be sure to join Jellystone Park™ for a tidal wave of wonderfully wet summertime fun.
AUGUST 15 – 17
Carve out some good times at Jellystone Park™ this weekend for lots of KOOKY and S-P-O-O-K-Y Howl-o-ween freakishly FUN games and activities for kids of all ages. Conjure up a spell-binding c-r-e-e-p-y costume for the Boo Boo Boogey Man Ball and join the other witches and warlocks prowling the park with a Trick OR searching for Boo-tylicious treats (please be sure to bring treats for approx. 200 monsters, spooks and ghouls). Frighten our judges as you sprinkle a little “black magic” over your campsite or cabin to make it the spookiest in the campground for the ever-popular Spookiest Site Decorating Contest (6 categories of judging) for a chance to WIN FREE CAMPING (W/E site). Yogi Bear™, Cindy Bear™ and the Rangers BOO Crew have plenty of haunting chills and thrills planned, so be a ghost of good cheer….and B000-k early!
AUGUST 22 – 24
The Halloween fun continues as off we go a-haunting for a second KOOKY and S-P-O-O-K-Y Howl-o-ween weekend. Crank up your Halloween creativity a notch and OUT-BOO your neighbors while sprinkling a little more “black magic” and spooky decor over your campsite or cabin as you participate in the second Spookiest Decorating Contest (6 categories of judging) for a chance to WIN FREE CAMPING (W/E site). Conjure up a spell-binding c-r-e-e-p-y costume for the Boo Boo Boogey Man Ball and join the other witches and warlocks prowling the park with a Trick OR searching for Boo-tylicious treats (please be sure to bring treats for approx. 200 monsters, spooks and ghouls). You’ll never ex-FEAR-ience a creepier, spookier Halloween! So, come for the FUN and stay for the “frights” and be sure to B000-k early for another frightfully haunting weekend!
ALOHA!! Slather on the sunscreen and escape with Yogi Bear and the Rangers as we set sail on the Explorer of the Seas to the beautiful seaside resort at Jellystone Park™ this weekend for a Tropical “Bear”-adise Beach Party, full of bright sunshine, fruity drinks and sparkling beaches. Dress code is Caribbean Casual with grass skirts, beach hats, and bright, beautiful prints. Also, don’t forget to pack your swimwear because you’re going to want to come ~splash~ around in the warm, turquoise blue water while enjoying the reggae beat on Jellystone Park™ paradise Island. And don’t forget to pack a full-size chocolate bar in your luggage as you follow the tropical breezes to Caribbean Islands Bingo. Yogi Bear, Cindy Bear and Boo Boo want to shipwreck you for a weekend of relaxation AND fun in the sun! So, don’t hesitate, the warm waters and sandy beaches are calling, so make your travel plans today, and you’ll soon be on your way to a little piece of BEAR-adise. ~ALOHA!!~